Saturday, December 23, 2006

Friday, December 22, 2006

MAZEL TOV CHOSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Big Shmuly Borenstein enjoying the holdiays with the family! (Nice profile picture - can I use it??)-joke!!
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Borenstein's Of Italy

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Borenstein's of Longmont

Yakov Dovid giving his first olive oil workshop!
Get your picture taken with a Macabee! ? Meir & Shayna
Yakov Dovid during the lighting of the Menorah at the mall
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Eliyahu Levertov's Bar Mitzvah pictures!

Mazel tov Berel & Esther Malka as these pictures attest, the Bar Mitzvah was wonderful! Everyone looked stunning, lots of yiddishe and chasidishe nachas from him and all of them!
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Do you like the new look for the blog?
Please note google has updated the blog to a newer version, it will take me some time to get used to the changes- please bear with me as I fumble along!
Esther Rivkah

Happy Birthday Betzalel 22 and Sruly 18!

The fifth day of Chaunkah is Tzaly's and Sruly's birthday! Wishing you Kulo Tov- b'gashmius ubruchnius! Keep on giving your parents lots of yidishe and chasidishe nachas!


We would like to wish a hearty Mazel Tov to my dear parents on their 30th wedding anniversary! May the next 90 years be just as wondeful as these 30 were! Wishing you much nachas from all of the children and grandchildren, gezunt and ofcourse lots of $$$$$$$$$$!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Borensteins of 37 Chanukah party!

Booby sends regards to all. Wishing you a Freilcihin Chanukah!
Yehudah Leib & Batsheva Borenstein. Don't they look lovely?
The dougnuts were amazing!
Assembly line! Esther Rivkah, Mendel Telsner, Shmuel Borenstein (37), Yehudah Leib Telsner Posted by Picasa

Konikov's of Orlando

Chaya Mushka at 2 weeks.
Proud Mommy Chanie!
Bubby Mindy with Batsheva, who is a big girl of 3 1/2!
Yaisef with Tzvi (21 months) Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Menachem MEndel Telsner was the STAR STUDENT!

Yanky and Esther Rivkah are the proud parents of the star student! Posted by Picasa

Happy Annivrersary To Eli Dovid & Mindy

Today Chof Aleph Kislev is the 34th year anniversary of Uncle Eli Dovid and Tante Mindy! May you have many more happy, healthy years together. Wishing you lots of nachas from your children and grandchildren. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Avos U'Bonim!

Caught in action! Moishe Nachman learning with SholemBer! this gives us such nachas! Posted by Picasa

Rosh CHodesh Kislev trip!

Cheyenna Telsner's class went to 770. (2nd child from the front left) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 06, 2006