Monday, May 21, 2007

Happy Belated Birthdays to Yakov Dovid -25 and Meir -2 Borenstein (Longmont)

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Yes, it's my fault I didnt post it.
Happy belated birthday to Rabbi YD -25 and Meir-2. May you both continue giving Nachas to the Rebbe and all of us. We love you.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Agent Emes - aka Tzvi Konikov

Secret Agent Emes.....

Lag B'Omer in Goshen, NY

Meir, Rivky & Mendy Borenstein

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It's A Baby Girl!

Mazel Tov Devorah Leah and Mier Kirsh on the birth of their new daughter - Rivkah! May she be a source of nachas to her parents, grandparents and Klal Yisroel!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Enjoying the rides and petting zoo

Lag B'Omer in Crown Heights

Cheyenna Telsner at the rally

Yehudah Leib Telsner marching

Menachem Mendel Telsner marching

Shmuel Borenstein marching

Lag B'Omer in Italy