Saturday, December 23, 2006


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Cheyenna said...

hey, you gotta write the names of the kids cuz or else we won't get to know them. thanks yanky, just trying to make u more busy... jk!
and ye, they look prety cute. you're first kid (mendel?) got really big. how old is he now?

Cheyenna said...

this is for (chaya moo)CM borenstein ITALY!
hey. i met your friend rivkah wacks from australia and she sends regards. hpoe you're enjoying isael!

bologna said...

Chaya mushky in Israel has NO computer, but we/ll pass along the regards to her in our next phone call.

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Chani said...

Mendy - 7
Levi - 6
Batsheva - 3.5
Tzvi - 21 months
Chaya Mushka - 6 weeks